An ambitious film that intends to be one of the
greatest epics of all time.
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Aquarius Intellectual
Property Presents
An ambitious film that intends to be one of the greatest epics of all time.

Film Treatment
The concept of the film is a musical adventure through a landscape of rich cinematic imagery. The cameras follow a band of performers from their Midwest origins (Act I), to their joining a company of celebrities on a grand concert tour from New York to Paris, to the mountains of Afghanistan and Tibet, and ending with a real live Peace Concert in Israel (Act II). A series of large and small stadium concerts provide the narrative framework for Act II:
New York - Rio - Capetown - Paris - Moscow - Istanbul - Kabul - Mumbai - Lhasa - Seoul - Manila - Tonga - Madagascar - Tel Aviv
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Song Name
Singer Name

Song Name
Singer Name
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The Story
The story is seen through the eyes of one of the bands on the concert tour, a 6-piece called The Visionaries. The two lead singers, Clay and Mary Jean, are attractive, talented, and artistically activist vis-à-vis the fate of society. They espouse the traditional Aquarian values of brotherhood, harmony, peace and love abounding. They are extremely entertaining and with a romantic edge. The Visionaries are all played by actors who can sing and play appropriately, but in large measure are interpreting the soundtrack visually.
The casting of the Visionaries might be done through a TV reality show format in some cases, which would build excitement leading up to the release.
Music Sound Track
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invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam.